Friday, July 24, 2015

It's All About Perspective

What do you see?
Ultimate Reset, Phase 2, Day 13

My perspective continues to change when it comes to food and clean eating. The recipes allow me to enjoy foods I once declined without a thought. These 21 days are steadily changing my relationship with food. And I love it. Though I was a bit tired today (slept a little longer after breakfast), I did not nap. I am beginning to see and feel physical changes, realizing it is about so much more than just the weight loss. It's the perspective gained as well as the stronger, lighter, more able body and mind.
Hard to believe that tomorrow is the last day of Phase 2. Only a week to go, and I am not struggling with hunger or the need to eat the foods I once craved (or at least thought I did).

I find I am looking forward to exercising and eating cleanly even after (or especially after) the 21 days have elapsed. BB just came out with a new supplement group, and I have ordered the Energize to assist with my morning workouts. I usually hate getting up in the morning; however, once school
starts, morning exercise is the best way to ensure daily exercise. Evenings often have other obligations to fill.

I promised the recipe for Nori Gomasio to go along with yesterday's recipe. Adding it below.

(makes 4 servings - 1 TBSP each)

1/4 cup sesame seeds
1/2 tsp Himalayan salt
1 sheet toasted nori seaweed

1. Heat sesame seeds in medium skillet over low heat, stirring frequently, for 3 to 5 minutes, or until they turn golden brown and begin to pop.
2. Remove from heat. Cool for 10 minutes.
3. Place sesame seeds, salt, and nori in a small food processor or blender; cover with lid. Pulse until most seeds are cracked open. Be careful not to grind to a smooth consistency; you want some of the texture of the seeds to remain.
4. Store in airtight container.

As I move in a positive direction, my goal is to make the best of every day, one day at a time.

Until tomorrow -

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