Thursday, July 16, 2015

Thank Goodness It's Summer

Phase 1 Day 5 of the Reset

Making dinner tonight was especially enjoyable. Matt taught me to make sushi (though we used toasted tempa instead of raw fish). Now that I am eating a variety of healthy foods, he is getting the chance to really use his cooking skills!

Unlike yesterday, this morning I found myself quite sleepy, so after breakfast, the napping ensued. I am glad to be doing this Reset in the summer as I can take naps when needed. Feel good this evening. Still trying to get used to breaking out in a sweat three or four times a day, but thankful the Reset is working.

Think I am going to keep drinking the distilled water and add Himalayan salt. Not sure how to explain it, but love the "taste." Not quite a gallon a day, but always pushing to that level.

No walk or Tai Chen yet, but I did give the dog a bath. :)

Until tomorrow.

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