Friday, July 17, 2015

Something New

Salmon, asparagus, potatoes
Ultimate Reset Phase 1, Day 6 

Hard to believe that tomorrow is the last day of week 1-phase 1. Tonight's meal was one I would never have considered eating before. I am not a fish fan. The smell alone makes me nauseous. But I know it is a strong nutritional resource, and it is one of the meals on the Reset. Therefore, I decided to try. Thankfully, my "home chef" cooked it in such a way that was light and tasty. No fish smell or taste at all!
Turbo Jam 
The week has actually progressed very well, Some participants indicate that they experience hunger during this time. I have not. Thankful for that. And instead of dreaming about sugar and carbs, I actually dreamed about jogging last night. Never thought I would say this, but I am looking forward to getting back to exercising. Have decided to start with Turbo Jam and the new CIZE coming out in a few days. (I love to dance - have never been able to stand still when music is playing!) May start some Tai Chen tomorrow. 

Still feeling a bit tired. So hard to explain the sensation: low energy - yet bursts of energy. The nutrition guide indicated that this Reset will affect both psyche and body. It's true. On the first few days, I was pretty emotional; today I feel a calm, a peace. I no longer get heartburn. Before, sleeping on my side, I would wake up with numbness in my shoulder and arm - NO MORE! I guess with less weight (and I have lost quite a bit at this point), there is less pressure on the limb. At least that is the only explanation I can think of. 

I can honestly say my eating habits are changing and will continue to change from this point forward. I can truly say that I am utilizing a clean eating diet! No worries, cheat meals will happen, but they definitely won't be the norm. 

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