Thursday, July 30, 2015

Future Days

Ultimate Reset - Day 19, Phase 3

Tempeh is marinating - Baked Tempeh for dinner (recipe at end of blog entry). Thinking some curried cauliflower and one other veggie as well. It is what I don't automatically think about for dinner that highlights the change most - not fast food, bread, white pasta, white rice etc. (I am still nurturing a desire for dark chocolate and Justin's peanut butter). I am amazed by the number of nut and seed butters available. I am amazed by the number of tasty healthy recipes I never took the time to try.

At one point this afternoon, I thought I needed a nap, but once I got around to it - NOPE. Not tired! Such a wonderful feeling for someone who used to spend many hours a day napping, especially on weekends. Parts of my life definitely suffered for it (especially grad school reading). The changes I am experiencing are giving me something infinitely more valuable
than being "skinny." Time.  More time awake, more time feeling healthy, more time feeling positive, more time with family, more time on study, more time focusing, When I am tempted to eat something that taps my system of my energy, I just need to remind myself of how wonderful it feels NOT to
crash from a sugar high.

So now I begin concentrating on the days beyond the Ultimate Reset. I am not yet where I want to be and am sure the pounds won't drop as quickly after Saturday. But I have a plan to keep myself heading in the right direction.

*My coach accountability group (checking in daily and supporting others as well)
*BB's new Energize to support morning workouts
*BB's 21 Day Fix for daily exercise (and it's only 30 minutes each day)
*BB's new Restore to drink in the evening before bed (helps sleep, muscle recovery, and curbs the appetite
*CIZE to dance several days after school (hoping some colleagues will join me)
*Shakeology daily (meal replacement or snack)
*LOTS and lots of water (should drink half your body weight in ounces daily)

But most IMPORTANTLY, I will create a schedule of meals each week, plan accordingly for shopping, and prep food on the weekend so that lack of time in the evenings or at school won't become the enemy. The best way to avoid eating what I shouldn't is to always have something I should. And it can still be tasty!

Two more days!

Until tomorrow ~

(makes 1 serving)

2 Tbsp. apple cider vinegar
2 Tbsp. Bragg Liquid Aminos
1½ tsp. sesame oil
1½ tsp. 100% pure organic maple syrup
½ clove garlic, chopped
4 oz. tempeh, cut into ½-inch strips

Combine vinegar, Bragg Liquid Aminos, oil, maple syrup, and garlic in a small bowl; mix well.
Place marinade in a shallow dish; place tempeh in dish and turn several times to coat well on all sides. Marinate for 1 hour, covered, in refrigerator, turning once after 30 minutes.
Preheat oven to 350° F.
Bake for 10 to 15 minutes. Turn over and bake for 10 to 15 minutes more, or until golden brown.

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Chocolate and Peanut Butter

Ultimate Reset - Phase 3, Day 18

Second day of work today. Lots of energy while at school; however, once I came home (both days), the tiredness set in and naps ensued on both days. They were great, and I woke up with energy to spare.

Busy weekend ahead of me. Will be interesting to see how that effects me. Also the last three days of the Reset.

Interestingly, today I have some cravings: dark chocolate and peanut butter. No idea where that came from. :) I have some little packets of Justin's almond butter - may have to use it on Sunday.

Otherwise, another good day. My future goals include eating at least 80 percent clean each day. Planning on running a free clean eating group once school begins. Would so love to help others feel as great as I do! Will also
continue each day with Shakeology. That part will be easy. Absolutely love it as a meal replacement or snack.

Enough for tonight. Be sure to take time to play each day.

Until tomorrow ~

(makes 1 serving)

¼ medium yam, cut into 1-inch chunks
½ medium carrot, cut into 1-inch chunks
½ medium beet, cut into 1-inch chunks
¼ medium onion, peeled, cut into large wedges
2 tsp. extra-virgin olive oil
Himalayan salt (to taste; optional)

Preheat oven to 400° F.
Combine yam, carrot, beet, onion, and oil, plus salt (if desired), in bowl or dish; mix well.
Arrange vegetables in a single layer on a baking sheet. Bake for 40 to 50 minutes, turning once or twice, or until tender.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

"Water, Water Everywhere"

Ultimate Reset - Phase 3, Day 17

Waiting on the squash to finish. Tonight's dinner along with green beans. Last night's dinner is pictured on the left. Curried cauliflower. Delicious. Cauliflower is easily becoming one of my favorite vegetables - so much that can be done with it. Going to try pizza with cauliflower crust when Reset is finished. See end of blog for curry recipe.

Two days of in-service (today and tomorrow). A little tougher following the regimen (supplements and all), but it was doable. And  I was able to avoid all of the chocolate on our table (for me that is BIG). Also, stuck to a salad at lunch. Vegan Shakeology for a snack. Took my gallon jug of mineralized water with me to school and kept refilling my smaller jug, so I managed to keep my water intake up. Will do the same thing again tomorrow.

Felt good all day. Upbeat and energetic. I did come home and take a nap for about an hour and half. Until I started the Reset, I would have trouble sleeping at night and that was after I finally managed to fall asleep. Lately, I lay down thinking, "Here, we go," feeling as if I am once more going to have difficulty again, and the next moment, I'm waking up. So many positive changes. I keep having to remind myself that I have not had refined carbs, meat, or dairy for almost two weeks. The Reset ends on Saturday - final results on Sunday. My CIZE dvd's (Shaun T) came today. Will start using them next week! Can't wait.

Until tomorrow ~

(makes 1 serving)

1 Tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil
½ to 1 tsp. curry powder
½ medium head cauliflower, stems removed, trimmed into large florets
¼ tsp. Himalayan salt

Preheat oven to 400° F.
Heat oil in small skillet over medium-low heat. Add curry powder; cook, stirring constantly, for 15 to 30 seconds, or until fragrant, taking care not to burn. Remove from heat.
Combine cauliflower and curry mixture in glass baking dish. Add salt (if desired); mix well.
Bake, stirring gently 2 to 3 times, for 20 to 25 minutes, or until tender.


 Yesterday - Phase 3, Day 16 (Ultimate Reset)

Since a friend of mine requested yesterday's blog, going to knock out two today. (Hi, Jennifer. ;))

Yesterday I had to get out and take care of some school business, and I felt really good! Less stressed and able to calmly consider all information that came my way. That sounds ominous. Nothing major happened, all good going into the new year! But I have changed - for the better! I don't feel nearly as uptight or unfocused. Tackling whatever comes seems doable. Almost as if time as slowed down a bit, and I don't feel like everything has to be done RIGHT NOW. Doing well with the fruits and vegetables. The plan allowed for some grain yesterday, so I had a small bowl of brown rice with dinner (curries cauliflower and sauteed green beans - recipe tonight). I have a full day of meetings today, so it will be interesting to see how it goes (will I still be able to slow down and appreciate the opportunity to enjoy the camaraderie of the awesome people with whom I work). Life is too short. Today will never come again.

I woke up early this morning - 5:30 - on my own - no alarm - very refreshed! Going to have half a banana, frozen grapes (taste like candy), freshly squeezed orange juice, and cantaloupe.

Will add a recipe since I have a little extra time this morning.

Not sure if I shared this before, but it is one of my favorites. Will be making much more of this especially this winter! I know there is a picture on a previous blog from when we made it the first time.

(makes 1 serving)

1 sweet potato (aka garnet yam)
¼ red bell pepper
1 cup vegetable broth or water
1 tsp. finely grated peeled ginger root
1½ tsp. extra virgin olive oil
2 tsp. miso paste, diluted in 1 tsp. hot water
Tamari or Bragg® Liquid Aminos, Himalayan salt, and herbal seasoning (to taste)


Peel and cube sweet potatoes. Cook in boiling water until tender. Drain and set aside. Meanwhile, roast a whole red bell pepper on gas stovetop or grill, turning frequently until evenly charred on the outside OR in your oven at 400 degrees for 15 to 20 minutes, turning every 10 minutes or until skin is charred.

Put pepper in bowl and cover with towel for 10 minutes to steam. Clean off skin and seeds by running under cool water. Remove seeds, cut in quarters, and chop one quarter into ½-inch cubes. (Set remainder of pepper aside for another use.)

Place sweet potato, pepper, broth or water, ginger, oil, and miso in blender. (If you want chunky soup, set aside some chunks of pepper.) Blend thoroughly, adding more liquid to achieve desired soup consistency. Transfer to a pot and gently heat on low until hot. Add tamari or aminos, salt, and seasoning as desired. Serves 1.

Recipe from Beachbody's Ultimate Reset

Have a great day!

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Phase 2 Results and Beyond

So how far have I gotten? As of this morning I have lost 13.4 pounds and a combined 10 inches from my waist and hips. Can only image what the next week will bring. As I enter into phase 3, I can already feel a change both emotionally and physically. I am more than pleased with results so far and excited about the number of new recipes I have encountered and enjoyed.

The Ultimate Reset Phase 3 is known as Restore. The detox is complete and the Retvitalize supplement is added (still using the optimize, alkalize, and soothe as well). This newest supplement combines both pro- and prebiotics to help maintain the right environment for healthy intestinal flora, providing the environment needed for them to grow. In this phase meals consist of fruits and vegetables (some whole grains for snack if needed - I drink my Shakeology as a snack).

So again, how far have I gotten? When I began the Reset, I could go for weeks without a single fruit or vegetable serving. Just didn't care for most of it. The Shakeology helps, but it doesn't replace eating whole foods. And here I am about to begin a week with only fruits and vegetables with no worries. The recipes have really been an asset in my learning to eat cleanly.

One of the recipes I used when my friends came to visit, and they really liked it, so I am sharing that one this evening.

(makes one serving)

½ cup cooked quinoa (see recipe on pg. 93)
1 Tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil
1 Tbsp. fresh lemon juice
Himalayan salt (to taste; optional)
Bragg Liquid Aminos (to taste; optional)
½ medium tomato, diced
½ medium cucumber, peeled, diced
2 Tbsp. pitted, chopped Kalamata olives
2 Tbsp. finely chopped fresh parsley
1 Tbsp. finely chopped fresh mint leaves

Combine quinoa, oil, and lemon juice, plus salt and Bragg Liquid Aminos (if desired), in a medium bowl; mix well.
Add tomato, cucumber, and olives; toss gently to blend.
Gently fold in parsley and mint.
Let salad marinate, covered, in refrigerator for 2 to 3 hours before serving.

 Day 1 of phase 3 has been a good one. Up early and no naps. Mowing the lawn tonight and working a bit of exercise into this next week. Pulling up Tai Chen on Beachbody on Demand tomorrow. That and mowing may prove too much for one evening. :)

Until tomorrow -

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Two Down, One to Go

Ultimate Reset - Phase 2, Day 14

Last day for phase 2 - hard to believe. Will weigh and check measurements in the morning.

Phase 3 consists of fruits and vegetables only (if any whole grain, it is during snack, and I am not willing to give up my ShakeO for that). So my week will be truly just fruits and vegetables.

More on phase 3 tomorrow as well as phase two results.

Went to the park with Scrappy today. Not much other exercise. May need to mow tomorrow. :) Also planning to begin Tai Chen. Did take a LONG nap. It is interesting how the energy comes and goes.

Dinner tonight was Edamame and Roasted Corn (Ultimate Reset)

½ cup fresh corn kernels
1 cup water
¾ cup shelled edamame
1 Tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil
½ medium shallot, diced
½ medium red bell pepper, diced
¼ medium red onion, diced
1 Tbsp. rice vinegar
2 Tbsp. fresh lime juice
2 Tbsp. chopped fresh cilantro
Himalayan salt (to taste; optional)
Herbal seasoning blend (to taste; optional)

Preheat oven to 400° F.
Arrange corn kernels in a single layer on a baking sheet. Bake for 10 minutes, or until they caramelize and begin to brown, but before they harden. Remove from oven and set aside.
While corn roasts, bring water to a boil in a small saucepan over medium heat; Add edamame; cook for 5 to 7 minutes. Drain. Set aside.
Heat oil in medium skillet over medium heat. Add shallot, bell pepper, and onion; cook, stirring frequently, for 10 minutes, or until soft.
Add corn and edamame; cook, stirring frequently, for 5 minutes. Remove from heat. Add vinegar, lime juice, and cilantro, plus salt and seasoning blend (if desired). Mix well.

Looking forward to next week. Have to work two of the five days, so I will need to incorporate the eating into my day. Sure going to miss this summer vacation!

Friday, July 24, 2015

It's All About Perspective

What do you see?
Ultimate Reset, Phase 2, Day 13

My perspective continues to change when it comes to food and clean eating. The recipes allow me to enjoy foods I once declined without a thought. These 21 days are steadily changing my relationship with food. And I love it. Though I was a bit tired today (slept a little longer after breakfast), I did not nap. I am beginning to see and feel physical changes, realizing it is about so much more than just the weight loss. It's the perspective gained as well as the stronger, lighter, more able body and mind.
Hard to believe that tomorrow is the last day of Phase 2. Only a week to go, and I am not struggling with hunger or the need to eat the foods I once craved (or at least thought I did).

I find I am looking forward to exercising and eating cleanly even after (or especially after) the 21 days have elapsed. BB just came out with a new supplement group, and I have ordered the Energize to assist with my morning workouts. I usually hate getting up in the morning; however, once school
starts, morning exercise is the best way to ensure daily exercise. Evenings often have other obligations to fill.

I promised the recipe for Nori Gomasio to go along with yesterday's recipe. Adding it below.

(makes 4 servings - 1 TBSP each)

1/4 cup sesame seeds
1/2 tsp Himalayan salt
1 sheet toasted nori seaweed

1. Heat sesame seeds in medium skillet over low heat, stirring frequently, for 3 to 5 minutes, or until they turn golden brown and begin to pop.
2. Remove from heat. Cool for 10 minutes.
3. Place sesame seeds, salt, and nori in a small food processor or blender; cover with lid. Pulse until most seeds are cracked open. Be careful not to grind to a smooth consistency; you want some of the texture of the seeds to remain.
4. Store in airtight container.

As I move in a positive direction, my goal is to make the best of every day, one day at a time.

Until tomorrow -

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Adjusting As Able

This photo of TEXAS Outdoor Musical is courtesy of TripAdvisor.

Wonderful few days with friends sometimes equates to missing blog posts :) . Just spent the last two days with my two best friends. We decided a few years ago to get together every summer (since we moved to different cities about 7 years ago). When I decided to do the Reset, we had already made plans (but it was really the only time I could Reset before school begins in August), so I decided I would just have to do my very best those three days, and I hung tight for the most part. Avoided meat and bread even though we had already bought chuck wagon dinner tickets to eat before attending the musical TEXAS in Palo Duro Canyon.

 It may have seemed a little strange to the server, but I did not partake of the meat (3 different possibilities). Had beans and a little cole slaw as I did not know what the ingredients were. A couple of squirts of BB sauce on the beans (this is NOT on the Reset). For dinner the first night, I asked my husband to still cook the brisket, ribs, and roast (lots of meat, but he's a good cook, and we share the food with my parents and daughter as well) we had originally planned along with roasted garlic broccoli, quinoa salad (reset recipe), and beans. I ate the quinoa salad and broccoli and a few beans. While hanging out with the girls, I stuck to salads (though I did put a little 1000 Island on one). Ate out with my husband and daughter and had soup and salad (french onion soup without the cheese and a house salad with balsamic vinegar dressing - forgot to tell the waitress to take off the cheese, tried to eat around it, but finally just ate it as it was very LITTLE cheese). Though I feel like I managed well overall (with support and encouragement from my buddies and family), I would advise anyone tackling the Reset to try avoid having "plans" during that time. I was really thankful when I got home and had complete control over all of my meals. Keeping up the water intake also proved difficult. And I could feel the difference. However, I am thankful for the wonderful visit and thankful for the changes the Reset is making in my life.

Hard to believe that I am only two days away from completing Phase II. This phase has definitely been different as the detoxing has truly begun. Throughout the week, I have found myself to be bloated or gassy. Understanding this is an indication that the Reset is working its magic, I am able to hang tight. However, this Reset is gentle in that it does not have one running back and forth to the bathroom afraid to leave the house! Moving through daily regular activities does not prove to be a problem at all. Just have to remember not to consider the weight at this point until the end of the cleanse as the bloating has the tendency to create a sense of extra weight.

Nori Rolls with Tempeh & veggies

(Makes 2 servings)

1/2 tsp. extra-virgin olive oil
1 strip smoky tempeh strips (or baked tempeh)
1 sheet Nori seaweed
1/3 cup cooked brown rice
1/4 medium avocado, sliced
1/4 medium carrot, cut into matchstick-sized pieces
1/4 cucumber, but into thin strips
1 1/2 tsp. Nori Gomasio (recipe tomorrow), to taste

Heat oil in large skillet over medium heat. Add tempeh; cook, stirring frequently, for 2 to 3 minutes, or until crisp. Place nori on cutting board, Top with rice , covering half the nori lengthwise.

To with tempeh, avocado, carrot, and cucumber. Sprinkle wit nori gomasio if desired. Roll up from bottom, being careful not to tear nori. Wet end of nori to seal; cut into six slices.

Until tomorrow -

Monday, July 20, 2015

New Discoveries

Ultimate Reset Phase 2, Day 9

So many new and delicious recipes. Amazing. So many foods that I never thought I would like. Such a wonderful feeling to leave a meal feeling satisfied - not stuffed. To feel energetic and motivated, not tired and dragging.

The Bisque tonight was wonderful and it included red peppers, one of those foods I never would have tried before. The recipe follows:

(makes one serving)

1 cup water
1 medium sweet potato (or yam), pealed, cubed
1/4 medium red bell pepper
1 tsp. finely grated ginger root
1 1/2 tsp. extra-virgin olive oil
2 tsp. miso paste, mixed with 2 Tbsp. hot water
1 cup vegetable broth (or water)
Bragg Liquid Aminos (or Himalayan salt, to taste, optional)
Herbal seasoning blend (to taste, optional)

Bring water to a boil in small saucepan over medium heat, add sweet potatoes, cook for 5 to 7 minutes. Drain. Set aside. roast bell pepper on grill or gas stovetop. Turn frequently until skin is evenly charred. Place in medium bowl. Cover with a kitchen towel for 10 minutes. Peel skin under running water. Remove seeds. Chop into 1/2 inch cubes.

Place sweet potato, bell pepper, oil, miso, and broth in a blender or food processor, in 2 or more batches if necessary; cover with lid and kitchen towel. Blend until smooth, if consistency is too thick, add water. Heat soup in a medium saucepan over medium heat, cool, stirring frequently for 4 to 5 minutes, or until hot. Add Bragg Liquid Aminos and seasoning blend if desired.

We adjusted the recipe a bit. First doubling it, and then baking the sweet potatoes in the oven. We also broiled red pepper to char skin. 

As for phase 2, day 9, still not hungry or needing to snack throughout the day. I will admit that I look forward to my vegan ShakeO for snack time! I love the stuff, even when I can only mix it with distilled, mineralized water!

Feeling strong, ready to exercise, but I know that my body is working out on the inside right now, and I need to give it a chance to detox. Friends coming in tomorrow. I am sure we will take several walks over the next few days! And I will continue eating only vegetables and fruit throughout the meals. Interestingly, though dinner tomorrow night will include smoked ribs and sausage (and I DO love my husband's cooking, especially smoked), I will be able to enjoy the company and dinner without eating any of the meat.

Did take a nap this afternoon; I seem to be sleeping so much better than I used to. Find myself staying up later (11 or 12) but still waking up by 7 or so each day. I DO NOT miss that nagging tired feeling of never having enough sleep and always feeling sluggish.

Enjoying time outside each day, especially with the last few days of cool, crisp mornings!

Until tomorrow.

Sunday, July 19, 2015

The Second Shelf

Moving toward bottom shelf!
The amount of weight I lost this week is about the same as the picture on the second shelf (9.5 pounds and a total of 5.5 inches on waist and hips). Sublime! And in a regular week, even with clean eating, this is not the norm. This Reset works in a healthy manner because of the science behind the supplements and the chosen foods. It is amazing what can happen when the toxins are removed from the body.


But even more important than the weight loss is the way I feel - lighter in general (inside and out). And a fog is lifting.

 My only regret is that I didn't listen and do this sooner! First, I didn't want to spend the money. What a joke. How much money did I waste on processed, fast food? How much wasted on sugary products? On lost time and energy? This is the only body I will ever have. Why do I find it so easy to spend money on some many other "things" when they are unnecessary and definitely not going to affect my health - at least not in a positive manner.

Second, I did not wish to give up the foods I "love," and I definitely didn't want to sustain myself on mostly fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. I don't even like a lot of fruits and vegetables.

So what changed? I wish to be healthy; I'm tired of being tired! I want to feel good!

The kicker? The meals are enjoyable; I am learning that there are many foods out there (especially cooked in just the right manner) that I actually enjoy eating! And those foods I love? I can still have them once in a while - just don't think I am going to miss them that much! Please know it amazes me that I can even say this. But this IS one of the best decisions I have ever made for myself and my health. And I will NOT go back.

       The guide notes, "you begin to release the toxic compounds that are stored within your tissues, clogging your cells and blocking proper nutrient absorption. This phase includes a gentle colon cleanse. You'll now be eating a fully vegetarian diet."

  The surprise? I don't mind! Day 1 of phase 2 is done, and I did not miss meat at all. Who knew? OK, so several people have told me this (including my hubby).

For the first day, I still woke up about 7, but after breakfast, I found myself needing to sleep a bit more. However, the rest of the day has been great - even mowed the back yard. I am beginning to physically feel the changes, and they are lovely!

A recipe from the Reset -
      I use the following dressing on all my salads (though there are several other recipes):

                  CREAMY GARLIC DRESSING
(makes 10 servings, about 2 Tbsp each)

1/2 cup extra-virgin olive oil
1/4 cup apple cider vinegar
3 cloves garlic, crushed
3 Tbsp fresh lemon juice
2 Tbsp chopped fresh parsley
1 tsp Himalayan salt
1/2 tsp. Dijon mustard
1 Tbsp raw honey (or pure maple syrup)

Place oil, vinegar, garlic, lemon juice, parsley, salt, mustard, and honey in a blender or food processor, cover with lid. Blend until smooth. Refrigerate dressing if not using immediately. If dressing solidifies when cold, hold at room temperature for 30 minutes. Stir before serving.


Until tomorrow


Saturday, July 18, 2015

One Down

Ultimate Reset Phase 1, Day 7 - WOW

Hard to believe that week one is complete. Even harder to believe my results at this point. Will share tomorrow as I will do final weigh and measure for week one in the morning.

One of the most fascinating aspects of this Reset is the myriad of feelings both mental and physical. Woke up about 7. These days when I wake up, I get up. That alone is amazing, since I don't have to head off to work. Felt rather tired while at the same time thinking about exercising. More peaceful, less stressful. And the naps? None! Not because I'm forcing myself to stay awake but because I don't need or want one. Finally had to do something, so I wandered out to mow the lawn. Not supposed to exercise, but it really felt good. Even though I felt unable to mow the back until tomorrow, I also felt strong, with a desire to do more. It's as if my body is living in a paradox all its own.

Scrappy still needs a nap. :)
Usually when I am home during the summer, I snack all day long - and I'm not talking nutritious. But the cleaner I eat, the less I desire more. This is all so fascinating as I would never have believed I could actually be content without bread, cheese, or some sugar.

The next two phases are meatless, dairy-less, and completely sugarless (except for fruit). But instead of dreading the next two weeks, I am looking forward to the continual changes to come.

Right now the most difficult part of this Reset is the time to shop and cook for three meals a day. However, thanks to Matt, I am beginning to really learn something about the culinary arts.

Info about phase two in the next blog.

Until tomorrow.

Friday, July 17, 2015

Something New

Salmon, asparagus, potatoes
Ultimate Reset Phase 1, Day 6 

Hard to believe that tomorrow is the last day of week 1-phase 1. Tonight's meal was one I would never have considered eating before. I am not a fish fan. The smell alone makes me nauseous. But I know it is a strong nutritional resource, and it is one of the meals on the Reset. Therefore, I decided to try. Thankfully, my "home chef" cooked it in such a way that was light and tasty. No fish smell or taste at all!
Turbo Jam 
The week has actually progressed very well, Some participants indicate that they experience hunger during this time. I have not. Thankful for that. And instead of dreaming about sugar and carbs, I actually dreamed about jogging last night. Never thought I would say this, but I am looking forward to getting back to exercising. Have decided to start with Turbo Jam and the new CIZE coming out in a few days. (I love to dance - have never been able to stand still when music is playing!) May start some Tai Chen tomorrow. 

Still feeling a bit tired. So hard to explain the sensation: low energy - yet bursts of energy. The nutrition guide indicated that this Reset will affect both psyche and body. It's true. On the first few days, I was pretty emotional; today I feel a calm, a peace. I no longer get heartburn. Before, sleeping on my side, I would wake up with numbness in my shoulder and arm - NO MORE! I guess with less weight (and I have lost quite a bit at this point), there is less pressure on the limb. At least that is the only explanation I can think of. 

I can honestly say my eating habits are changing and will continue to change from this point forward. I can truly say that I am utilizing a clean eating diet! No worries, cheat meals will happen, but they definitely won't be the norm. 

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Thank Goodness It's Summer

Phase 1 Day 5 of the Reset

Making dinner tonight was especially enjoyable. Matt taught me to make sushi (though we used toasted tempa instead of raw fish). Now that I am eating a variety of healthy foods, he is getting the chance to really use his cooking skills!

Unlike yesterday, this morning I found myself quite sleepy, so after breakfast, the napping ensued. I am glad to be doing this Reset in the summer as I can take naps when needed. Feel good this evening. Still trying to get used to breaking out in a sweat three or four times a day, but thankful the Reset is working.

Think I am going to keep drinking the distilled water and add Himalayan salt. Not sure how to explain it, but love the "taste." Not quite a gallon a day, but always pushing to that level.

No walk or Tai Chen yet, but I did give the dog a bath. :)

Until tomorrow.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Whatever Difficulties May Come

Day 4 - Ultimate Reset

Went to the park today to get a bit of exercise. Felt good. Most amazed at how alert I have become. Normally about 10:00 every day, I become very sleepy. This has been going on for quite awhile. Since summer began, I have taken that nap every day, not to mention sleeping in late. For the past two days, not only have I not needed a nap, but I probably couldn't fall asleep if I tried. So far this is what I am enjoying most.

Must admit that a couple of times a day I seem to sweat for no reason - proof it is working! I still find myself a bit tired (not a lot of energy). Looking forward to the point where I am both energetic and alert.

Interestingly, I am not hungry and not tempted to eat just to be eating. I don't think about food between meals. Of course, not everyone's experience is the same. The website has daily videos with test group individuals discussing their own challenges. Several did say they thought about sugar, bread, coffee etc. If I had been asked before starting this Reset, I would have told you I'd fall in that category because I sure love my bread! Whatever difficulties come, I will always be thankful that I am making this change.

Most say the first three days are the toughest. Being at home does make the Reset a bit easier, especially with the prep.

Still losing - but think I will wait until the morning of day 22 day to weigh/measure and share changes. I don't want the weight to be my focus. My goal is to be healthy and able. To take care of my body, so it will take care of me.
And for the first time in a long time I'm doing just that.

Until tomorrow.

On a side note - my vegan Shakeology came! What a wonderful snack!:)

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Beyond the U.R.

Play Day!
Not only did I wake up feeling much better today - headache completely gone, but I woke up ready bright eyed and wide awake at 4:30 a.m. Had an early breakfast and slept a bit longer after that. However, I have had no desire to nap any more today. And I have been quite the napper!

Scrappy was also up at 4:30 - ready to PLAY! One day of my headache was quite enough for him. ;)

Though not sleepy or dragging, I do feel a bit tired, not a lot of energy. I can understand why exercise is not a part of the Ultimate Refresh. Strange - to feel a bit weak but really alert!

Did snack today. Shakeo will be here tomorrow, so I had an apple and some natural peanut butter. One of the great aspects of this program is that meals in the same phase and same time period (breakfast, lunch, dinner) are interchangeable, so if you really don't think you will like one of the recipes, you can swap it for another. I did that today, since I really didn't get a chance to appreciate the Southwestern Taco due to headache, we had them tonight. There were delicious.

I am already finding foods I didn't eat before that I will continue eating after the Reset is complete. This is becoming quite an eye-opening experience. My coach keeps telling me that it is life-changing. I must agree. And this is only day 3. I thought I would be worried about lasting a full 21 days, but not so much anymore. I'm not going to lie, it's not always easy, especially with the need to prep for three meals each day, but it is satisfying.

Oh, and I've dropped 6 pounds so far.

Drink Lots of Water
A clean-eating lifestyle - used to think it was unattainable - just too many goodies out there I love to eat. Just didn't really expect to feel the changes predicted. So glad I was wrong. Will still enjoy a "cheat meal" now and then, but feel so much better!

Can't wait to see what the other 18 days bring.

My husband could say, "I told you so," but he hasn't. (May have thought it a couple of times.)

Getting in close to a gallon of water a day. May start 
throwing in some Tai Cheng- Natural Reboot tomorrow as well as giving the dog a walk or two.

Until tomorrow.