Saturday, May 24, 2014

Setbacks and Successes

Love this thought. And both setback and success describe my past week. The 21 Day Fix is wonderful. I love the 30 minute workouts. They allow for do-able, consistent morning workouts. The containers are a great visual for understanding proper portions.
     This past week I managed to exercise and follow most of the container portions. There were a couple of setbacks - usually pertaining to food; however, those setbacks were not nearly what they would have been in the past. And even with those, I managed to lose 4 pounds this week!

The beauty of this program, for me, is that I am learning that when I eat clean for the most part, those times when I want something "not so clean" are more enjoyable and less detrimental to my health overall. And my mentality about food has changed. I no longer think that just because I "stumble on the path" I have to end the journey or allow the stumble to turn in to a full blown crash. Truth is sometimes stumbling causes a refocusing on the path itself. This journey is for life, I may stumble, but I will not be detoured from the path on my journey to better health.

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