Sunday, May 11, 2014

Dietetic Sinners

We are all dietetic sinners; only a small percent of what we eat nourishes us; the balance goes to waste and loss of energy. -William Osler

Don't know about the "all" in the quote above, but it does ring true, especially for me. So often I eat for taste and comfort (or boredom). This might not be so bad if the food I ate was fruit and vegetables. That is NOT the case. The food I head for consists of comfort food, carbs (bread and pasta). I HAVE TO CHANGE THIS. I HAVE TO CHANGE THIS FOR ME - FOR MY HEALTH.

This is more challenging because I am not a fan of most fruits and vegetables,
but I am learning and even acquiring a taste for many. 

So the goal is to make changes - how?

Changing what I eat is most important (clean eating), eating smaller portions (several small meals a day), and making sure that I realize what I am eating and when - not just grabbing food and munching whenever.

What's worked so far is water intake! The more water I drink, especially before a meal, the fuller I feel and the less I eat. 
Goal for the week - start using my food app to note what I am eating each day. Nothing enters my mouth without thought - am I hungry, do I need it, what will it do for (or to) my body.
With the right recipes and the avoidance of sugar, I can learn to enjoy eating the foods that are good for me as much as I have enjoyed the foods that weren't - and with a much better response from the body I need to live well.

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