Sunday, August 16, 2015

What I Learned

What I've leaned since completing The Ultimate Reset:
~clean eating is the way to go
~clean eating is the difference between feeling energetic and focused as opposed to sluggish and tired
~cheat meals are not for me while still working on weight loss
~the 3 Day Refresh an awesome way to get back on track
~nothing tastes better than healthy feels
~the way I feel and the positive changes I'm experiencing prompt me to share with others
~some are interested; some are not
~change comes with desire
~it took me awhile to make my own change, but it is for life. 
~to successfully meet my healthy goals, clean eating, exercise, and accountability are a must - 
~I'm thankful for my Beachbody family and their constant support

Before, I would continually tell myself that I was doing the best I could. A lie. I might have been doing a bit better than before, but not the BEST I could. From this point forward, my best only. I will still falter and stumble, but I have people around who will help me to find my footing and keep me moving toward becoming the best person (inside and out) that I can be. :) Hopefully, I can do the same for others in the future. 

Living life one day at a time. 

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Pizza and Clean Eating?

First blog since completion of the Ultimate Reset. And I can honestly say that the advantages of
eating clean are continuing to reveal themselves. The past few days have not been a leap back into bad eating habits, just the opposite. My eating habits overall have become geared towards clean eating; however, there were a few times I added "white" carbs or sugar. I could almost immediately feel a physical difference. And gained back some weight. Lesson - if my goal is to continue to lose weight and gain a healthier lifestyle, then I must stick to the clean eating. Any deviation will need to wait for the time when my weight goals have been achieved.

On the positive, I am able to exercise again, and it feels fabulous. I am using Chalean Extreme for weights and CIZE for cardio. Am also continuing to prep food for the week and discovering new clean recipes. Yesterday I used the embedded video to make quinoa pizza crust. Quite tasty.

Gluten-free or not, this crunchy quinoa crust is out-of-this world delicious and completely guilt-free:
Posted by Cooking Light magazine on Monday, July 13, 2015

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Finished But Not Final!

Day 22 of the 21 day Ultimate Reset! And my body truly feels reset and refreshed. What a wonderful experience: one that will impact me for the rest of my life. My results took me to the third shelf (picture at left) during the 21 days. But I'm not done. I really have 30 more to lose. So I'm looking to move beyond the bottom shelf (imagine the second and fourth shelves combined). Knowing that accountability is my friend, I am going to continue blogging (ups and downs/good and bad/ positives and negatives until I hit my goal weight loss. A second form of accountability will be our BB coach group for the month of August. I am committing to 31 days of the 21 Day Fix workout, continued clean eating, and drinking Shakeology and checking in daily to comment and support many of the other coaches on our Beachbody Arete Team. Of course, I will be incorporating CIZE as well! Can't wait to get started! May even dance some this evening. Going to begin exercising with Fix and Engergize in the morning. The Recharge should be here soon. Will drink that before going to bed.

Reset Results:
  LOST -
     Weight loss - 15 pounds
      Hips - 5 inches
      Waist - 4 inches
        Overall - 20 inches
       A sluggish, foggy feeling
        The need and desire for napping
         The heaviness and digestive issues accompanying weight gain and poor eating

       Confidence in ability to make commitment and follow through (this has not always been the case)
       Desire to eat cleaner
        Ability to enjoy vegetables and fruits with recipes to give variety and taste
         Desire for water more than any other drink - a love for water and its effects on the body
        A healthy system
         A feeling of energy, well being, and focus - a desire to keep these feelings strong

Helped my daughter move this weekend. The energy and ability to work for long periods of time - invigorating! The ability to go to sleep later and still be up early - exciting!
Until tomorrow and my August challenge.

Ready to take on a challenge of your own? Here's a possibility -