Saturday, June 7, 2014

A Lifetime Commitment to Getting Back Up

I've done it. I've taken the plunge and become a Beachbody coach. Why? This is the question that my coach asked me. Why? Because I have tried so many other ways to lose weight and found that there is no EASY way and no MAGIC pill. They just don't exist - not to lose weight and be healthy for a lifetime. And that is exactly what I want to be: healthy for life. Beachbody's motto is to help others - really - I'm not kidding - even before selling a product. They advocate relationships and truly having a desire to help others along the way to succeed on their health/weight loss journey. Their products are solid, promoting good nutrition, exercise, and just as important accountability.

Accountability - this is what I need. And my being a coach gives me that while allowing me to share my discoveries with others. My coach and my team will keep me accountable and assist me in learning more about myself, nutrition, and exercise. There are some who can manage this journey on their own, and I applaud their will power and stamina. For me, I have a tendency to put exercise off and eat foods I shouldn't - knowing that I need to live the program I have committed to share keeps me on the straight and narrow - and ultimately keeps me healthy everyday, every month, every year, for a lifetime. No more losing weight and putting it back on months later (ever notice how much easier it is to find it than to lose it?). No more maybe I'll exercise for a few weeks then forget about it. No more feeling sluggish and tired. No more harming my body - the only vessel I have to wander this world. No more.

Commitment to a healthier life allows for a better life overall. And I am all in. And all in equals understanding that I will stumble, falter, mess up, make excuses. But it also encompasses a new group of people who care about my journey and will help me, catching me, picking
me up,encouraging me, and keeping me moving forward. What an awesome opportunity.

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